Tours & attività turistiche a Apeldoorn
Risultati: 5
Self guided tour with interactive city game of Apeldoorn
Explore Apeldoorn in a unique and affordable way. A self-guided city trail will guide you to the best spots in the city while playing fun riddles and assignments on your smartphone.
Prezzo da 30,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Italiano Inglese Francese Spagnolo Tedesco Neerlandese
Self guided tour with interactive city game of Apeldoorn
Explore Zutphen in a unique and affordable way. A self-guided city trail will guide you to the best spots in the city while playing fun riddles and assignments on your smartphone.
Prezzo da 30,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Italiano Inglese Francese Spagnolo Tedesco Neerlandese
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Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Apeldoorn
Discover Apeldoorn in a unique way: find clues and complete the puzzle in an escape app-guided tour!
Prezzo da 31,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Inglese Neerlandese
Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Deventer
Discover Deventer in a unique way: find clues and complete the puzzle in an escape app-guided tour!
Prezzo da 31,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Inglese Neerlandese
Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Zutphen
Discover Zutphen in a unique way using an app. Work together, find clues and complete the puzzle
Prezzo da 31,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Inglese Neerlandese