
Tours & attività turistiche a Istria

Risultati: 3
2-hour dolphins and panorama sailing experience from Poreč
Valutazione dei clienti
Enjoy a 2-hour sailing boat tour in the west coast of Istria, admire the view of the Poreč riviera from the sea and give yourself an opportunity to meet dolphins.
Prezzo da 37,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Italiano Inglese Tedesco
Full-day round trip sailing experience from Poreč to Rovinj with lunch
Valutazione dei clienti
Enjoy a full-day round trip sailing experience in the west coast of Istria. Visit the town of Rovinj and have lunch directly on board of the Kristofor vessel.
Prezzo da 53,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Italiano Inglese Tedesco
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Brijuni National Park 6-hour boating and swimming tour
Valutazione dei clienti
Discover the National Park of Brijuni, embark on a 2-hour cruise along the 14 islands and enjoy a 4-hour swimming break in the magical fishing town Fažana.
Prezzo da 54,00 EUR
Tour disponibile in: Italiano Inglese Tedesco