
Excursions et activités à Kulmbach

Résultats: 4
Entrance ticket to the German Spice Museum in Kulmbach
Get your museum entrance ticket today and discover the wonders of the spice trade, a journey that changed the course of human history.
À partir de 8,00 EUR
Entrance ticket to the Bavarian Brewery Museum in Kulmbach
Get your entrance ticket now and experience the history and art of brewing.
À partir de 8,00 EUR
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Combo ticket for the three museums at Mönchshof
Conveniently book a combination ticket to visit the Bavarian Brewery Museum, the Bavarian Bakery Museum and the German Spice Museum.
À partir de 20,00 EUR
Tour disponible en: Allemand
Entrance ticket to the Bavarian Bakery Museum in Kulmbach
Get your entrance ticket now and satisfy your curiosity and taste buds at the same time!
À partir de 8,00 EUR