Tours & Activities in Dushanbe
The best places in the city of Dushanb. You can see parks, gardens, market, museum in the city during this tour. Dushanbe is a modern and green city. This city collides like the city of flowers. Dushanbe is one of the three safest cities due to night work in search of food. So you can enjoy the dear Dushanbe. I can arrange the different tourscto other places of interest in my country Tajikistan due to your requests. Especially to the Fann Mountains and the Pamir Highway. Please contact me. I am always ready to write you the exact and necessary information about your trip. Your trip will be truly authentic, remarkable with me in Sunny Tajikistan. Welcome to the capital of Tajikistan-Dushanbe.
Tajiks have celebrated the holiday of Navruz since ancient times. People come together and make peace and friendship, respect humans, nature, freedom and peace.
Nowruz means is the "new day" of the new year . When days and nights become the same, the holiday of Navruz comes, this is the holiday of life, the holiday of experiencing everything.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on International Nowruz Day and declared March 21 as International Nowruz Day.
Nowadays this holiday is celebrated as an international holiday in more than 12 countries , but the best Navruz celebration takes place in Dushanbe , the capital of sunny Tajikistan.
I invite all of you to celebrate the international holiday of Navruz.
Welcome to the homeland of Navruz!
Navruz Muborak! Happy Navruz!